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Flower Shop @ Other Area
Grand Floral 經營超過二十年, 服務範圍包括各類喪禮佈置、應時禮籃、各類花束、婚禮佈置、新娘花球、月花擺設、風水植物擺設、園藝設計、全球各地鮮花速遞等等。
Google Map:
Address: 尖沙咀, 中間道5-6號遠東大廈一樓 - Shop 131, Far East Mansion Shopping Arcade, 5-6 Middle Road, T. S. T., Kowloon, Hong Kong nearest MTR :next to E1 Tsim Sha Tsui Mtr station -
Web: -
中天蘭花創意有限公司 Chung Tin Orchid
Hot Business @ Flower Market
中天蘭花創意有限公司 Chung Tin Orchid & Life 專經營蘭花批發零售,供應各品種的蘭花予港九各花店及酒店;所經營的蘭花主要來自台灣,另有少部分品種來自東南亞各地,主要來自台灣的蘭花,由本公司屬下之"台蘭中天蘭藝坊”專責搜尋,培育等,以供應香港銷售,並聘請專業人員培育新品種,控制品質,務求所供的蘭花,於品質及品種均能達到客戶的要求.
Location : G/F 225, Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, Kowloon.
Web: Openning HR Openning:9:00 - 19:30

Jordan Sneakers Gallery
Flight 23 Sneaker Shop
Flight 23 Sneaker Shop got a full selection of Jordan history of flight.Shop Owner Dantley Lam is a Jordan sneaker collector, there are a corner in the shop showing the a collections of Jordan accessories. If you are Jordan Lover , you got to get there and you will find what you like . Flight 23波鞋店收藏了完整一系列激罕的 佐敦 Flight球鞋系列,這全歸功於店主 Dantley,他是 麥可·喬丹 產品收藏家。 除了敦 Flight球鞋系列,店裡還有一個角落裡展示了麥可·喬丹的一些精品收藏。如果你是麥可·喬丹的粉絲,不妨到訪一下Flight 23,朝聖一下。
☎️Tel : +852 2301 1123
📍info : 1623 Park-in Commercial Centre, 56 Dundas Street, Mongkok(in the end of ladies street)
Google Map :
Shop 360view:
360 Route from Yau Ma Tei MTR to the
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Vape Shop
Vicus vape - vape shop Hong Kong
Promote the true and accurate electronic cigarette culture, to promote electronic-cigarette is not equal to traditional cigarette . we aim to provide high quality ,legitimate goods and professional knowledge in e-cigar. lets get rid of traditional cigar under an easy and fun way . Lead a better life.
address : 香港旺角興發商業大廈13F, Mong Kok
Google Map :
Tel : + 852 6653 2261

Local tailor Brand 1993, Professional in tailoring - Prostime
Hong Kong Local Brand since 1993, Professional in tailoring service. 香港本地原創品牌 成立於1993年 堅持自家設計,一手包辦採購及生產
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Second kill sneakers
2013年起本店開始以網上商店形式,從事波鞋零售,於2014年初開設首間門市,到2014年尾搬到同區三倍大的店鋪,2015搬到2000呎門市,發展之快速有乃於各位顧客一直的支持,本店會繼續努力從本地及海外引入更多有質素的波鞋及潮物。 接受壹週刊的邀請,本店曾經分享如何分辨真假波鞋:
facebook :
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Flower Market
Flower Market is theHong Kong's wholesale/reail flower industry center , with more then 50 plant shops clustered close together the road was given the official name of "花墟道" meaning flower market road since 1970 .
More focused on cut-flowers in the beginning during the late 1990 as the yearly Hong Kong Flower Show and Victoria Park Chinese New Year Fair became increasingly popular the prominence of Flower Market Road vendors increased. As they showed their goods at these public events the public in Hong Kong became more aware of the potential to have their own plants, and hence trips to the Flower Market Road boomed.
Today the street is busy at all times of the year with both dedicated customers, and curious on-lookers.
- Info
Hong Lok Street, Yau Tsim Mong District, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
- How to get there
Google Map :
Located centrally in Kowloon in Mong Kok the Flower market Road is just off the very main road Prince Edward West. The main part of the Flower Market road is highlighted on the map below in the area between A and B. However side streets and sarounding streets also have many florist and horticulturalist shops. Wander around particularly Prince Edward where it parallels to Market Road, and on Sai Yee where it goes at right angles to the Flower market.
Nearest MTR : Prince Edward MTR B1
Route from Prince Edward MTR B1 to Market :